I had a change in my life last spring that caused me some pain. A friendship ended and it hurt at first. I felt lonely, disappointed and confused. As the weeks went by I started noticing how I had changed to fit into this friend’s world. To be honest, I didn’t even realize I had done that. Sometimes we need a shake up in our lives to sort out the good from the bad, the things we should keep and the things we need to get rid of fast!
Time has a way of healing hurts. And, as the saying goes, when God closes a door, he opens a window. Well, I’m here to report to you that I’m so glad that door closed even though it hurt at the time. God has not only opened up windows for me, but doors and the sunroof and my heart. I have been blessed with many new friendships in that past several months. These are people that would not have fit into my friend’s world and I would have missed them. I’ve reconnected with many of my high school friends which has been a major blessing (love you guys). I’ve found a circle of marathon friends that encourage me (you all rock). I’m part of a church planting team that has been another major blessing to me (yippee). The break upinspired me to start investing in my writing more and that has opened many doors for me along with many new friendships - What passionate people. None of these things would have happened if that friendship had survived.
Is it weird to want to thank someone for dumping you?
Friday, September 25, 2009
Saturday, September 19, 2009
I love weeds!
I was in the garden today trying to pull weeds. I used every ounce of strength in my hands and had to resort to tools to get those suckers out roots and all. They were tenacious, willing to live and to fight me with every capillary they had. But, then I went to dead head my geraniums. Those wimps were ready to come up roots and with the slightest pull. WHY? Why do we insist on calling pretty yellow dandelions weeds and why aren’t they acceptable? And why are geraniums considered a pretty flower when they require so much work to keep them blooming? Dandelions LOVE blooming. I like that about them. They are happy and yellow and want to thrive. What’s not to like?
Then it made me start thinking about people. Are some people considered weeds? Are some people treasured more, the flowers in our world? I think some of the people our society treasures require a whole lot more than some of the weeds in our society. And who actually contributes to our community? I mean really? Not to dis anyone, but what does Paris Hilton contribute besides economically by shopping compared to the laborer who works 12 hour days tending a field?
The other day I was asked by a homeless woman for bus change. I hate change. My first response was that I didn’t have any change because I normally don’t really have any on me.. . .I dump it in the console of my car, but then I remembered - recently I had gathered up all of the change in my car and put it in a little wallet. I figured I’d use it for coffee money or something, but I wanted it all in one place so it wasn’t in my way anymore. Change just gets in the way, doesn’t it? The little wallet was sitting on my front seat when this lady approached me. I picked up the wallet and handed to her. There was enough money in there for bus fare, several days worth of coffee and a scone or two, and I’m sure a few meals at the local McDonalds. I dump all of my change for the last 2 months in my console. The wallet was worth even more than its contents, though, but I’m sure she didn’t care about that. I didn’t care at the time about that either. I cared more about this woman. The look on her face when I handed her the wallet was the best thing ever. Talk about a connection, I think that was one that made my week.
This woman would probably be considered a weed. She isn’t a Paris kind of person. . . the type of people our society considers a flower not that there is anything wrong with Paris. There was no glamour in this woman, no little dog in her bag (she didn’t have a bag) and I’m pretty sure her clothes didn’t have any names on the labels unless they were written in laundry marker. There was nothing in this woman except a simple request person to person. I liked her. She said she liked my car. I’m glad she took the wallet full of change I gave her, and I’m glad God made me pick it all up and put it in the wallet the days just before. It felt like it was one of those “meant to be” moments.
I don’t know where this woman went on the bus, but I sure hope that whoever tends the garden she lives in never tries to dig her up. I think she will bloom no matter what, and I like that in a person.
Then it made me start thinking about people. Are some people considered weeds? Are some people treasured more, the flowers in our world? I think some of the people our society treasures require a whole lot more than some of the weeds in our society. And who actually contributes to our community? I mean really? Not to dis anyone, but what does Paris Hilton contribute besides economically by shopping compared to the laborer who works 12 hour days tending a field?
The other day I was asked by a homeless woman for bus change. I hate change. My first response was that I didn’t have any change because I normally don’t really have any on me.. . .I dump it in the console of my car, but then I remembered - recently I had gathered up all of the change in my car and put it in a little wallet. I figured I’d use it for coffee money or something, but I wanted it all in one place so it wasn’t in my way anymore. Change just gets in the way, doesn’t it? The little wallet was sitting on my front seat when this lady approached me. I picked up the wallet and handed to her. There was enough money in there for bus fare, several days worth of coffee and a scone or two, and I’m sure a few meals at the local McDonalds. I dump all of my change for the last 2 months in my console. The wallet was worth even more than its contents, though, but I’m sure she didn’t care about that. I didn’t care at the time about that either. I cared more about this woman. The look on her face when I handed her the wallet was the best thing ever. Talk about a connection, I think that was one that made my week.
This woman would probably be considered a weed. She isn’t a Paris kind of person. . . the type of people our society considers a flower not that there is anything wrong with Paris. There was no glamour in this woman, no little dog in her bag (she didn’t have a bag) and I’m pretty sure her clothes didn’t have any names on the labels unless they were written in laundry marker. There was nothing in this woman except a simple request person to person. I liked her. She said she liked my car. I’m glad she took the wallet full of change I gave her, and I’m glad God made me pick it all up and put it in the wallet the days just before. It felt like it was one of those “meant to be” moments.
I don’t know where this woman went on the bus, but I sure hope that whoever tends the garden she lives in never tries to dig her up. I think she will bloom no matter what, and I like that in a person.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I'm still a Kansas girl!
Being a Kansan, I hear "You're not in Kansas anymore" all of the time. Other responses I get when I say I’m from Kansas are “Do you know Dorothy?” or “Hey, my uncle lives in Tonganoxie. Do you know him?” or “God, how on earth did you end up in Oregon.”
I know better than to say I’m grew up in Leavenworth. OMG – the comments then get really old. “What were you in for?” “Do you like life outside the wall?” “Oh, so you know how to make license plates.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. . . try to think up something new, folks.
But today I got a box in the mail. I didn’t order anything, then I saw it was from a gift shop in Leavenworth. So I ripped it open knowing it had to be something delicious and fabulous from my mom. She has a great sense of humor and she has great tastes. Mix those two together, and it means wonderful surprises! I love my mom.
Box is open and I saw the back of what I knew was a door mat. I squealed with delight. I knew whatever it was on the front was going to be something else. . .and I was right. But first I read the note. It said:
Linda, Right after I read your comment that you felt like a true “Oregonian” when walking in the rain without an umbrella, I saw this door mat and thought of you – so bought it. Consider it an “unbirthday” gift.
Be sure to read the note on the back. It is funny!! Love, Mom.
I then looked at the front of the door mat and it read “You are not in Kansas anymore”. And it is printed on a yellow brick pattern. So CUTE!
Okay, first lets go back to the note. If anyone else would have said to me “I saw this door mat and thought of you” I would most likely not be excited. To be equated to a door mat does not fit my persona, well, I sure hope it doesn’t. But being that it was said from my mom, I knew it was going to be something special. Mom, you can equate door mats with your favorite youngest child anytime.
Okay, are you ready for the note on the back of the mat? Here it is:
Do not use mat as a projectile. Sudden acceleration to dangerous speeds may cause injury. When using mat, follow directions: Put your right foot in, put your right foot out, put your right foot in and shake it all about. This mat is not designed to sustain gross weight exceeding 12,000 lbs. If mat begins to smoke, immediately seek shelter and cover head. Caution: If coffee spills on mat, assume that it is very hot. This mat is not intended to be used as a placemat. Small food particles trapped in fibers may attract rodents and other vermin. Do not glue mat to porous surfaces, such as pregnant women, pets and heavy machinery. When not in use, mat should be kept out of reach of children diagnosed with CFED (compulsive fiber eating disorder) Do not taunt mat. Failure to comply relieves the makers of this doormat of any and all liability.
I loved this. How perfect for today’s society of senseless lawsuits. This company understands that nonsense, but yet still had to do a disclaimer. They did it perfectly. “assume the coffee is hot” Really? Coffee is hot? Who knew?
Anyway, it is a lovely gift, not just the mat, but being thought of in such a special way, and then the gift of laughter. No one can give a better gift than love and laughter.
Now excuse me while I go wipe my feet just like my mom taught me.
THANKS, MOM! I love it!!!
I know better than to say I’m grew up in Leavenworth. OMG – the comments then get really old. “What were you in for?” “Do you like life outside the wall?” “Oh, so you know how to make license plates.” Yeah, yeah, yeah. . . try to think up something new, folks.
But today I got a box in the mail. I didn’t order anything, then I saw it was from a gift shop in Leavenworth. So I ripped it open knowing it had to be something delicious and fabulous from my mom. She has a great sense of humor and she has great tastes. Mix those two together, and it means wonderful surprises! I love my mom.
Box is open and I saw the back of what I knew was a door mat. I squealed with delight. I knew whatever it was on the front was going to be something else. . .and I was right. But first I read the note. It said:
Linda, Right after I read your comment that you felt like a true “Oregonian” when walking in the rain without an umbrella, I saw this door mat and thought of you – so bought it. Consider it an “unbirthday” gift.
Be sure to read the note on the back. It is funny!! Love, Mom.
I then looked at the front of the door mat and it read “You are not in Kansas anymore”. And it is printed on a yellow brick pattern. So CUTE!
Okay, first lets go back to the note. If anyone else would have said to me “I saw this door mat and thought of you” I would most likely not be excited. To be equated to a door mat does not fit my persona, well, I sure hope it doesn’t. But being that it was said from my mom, I knew it was going to be something special. Mom, you can equate door mats with your favorite youngest child anytime.
Okay, are you ready for the note on the back of the mat? Here it is:
Do not use mat as a projectile. Sudden acceleration to dangerous speeds may cause injury. When using mat, follow directions: Put your right foot in, put your right foot out, put your right foot in and shake it all about. This mat is not designed to sustain gross weight exceeding 12,000 lbs. If mat begins to smoke, immediately seek shelter and cover head. Caution: If coffee spills on mat, assume that it is very hot. This mat is not intended to be used as a placemat. Small food particles trapped in fibers may attract rodents and other vermin. Do not glue mat to porous surfaces, such as pregnant women, pets and heavy machinery. When not in use, mat should be kept out of reach of children diagnosed with CFED (compulsive fiber eating disorder) Do not taunt mat. Failure to comply relieves the makers of this doormat of any and all liability.
I loved this. How perfect for today’s society of senseless lawsuits. This company understands that nonsense, but yet still had to do a disclaimer. They did it perfectly. “assume the coffee is hot” Really? Coffee is hot? Who knew?
Anyway, it is a lovely gift, not just the mat, but being thought of in such a special way, and then the gift of laughter. No one can give a better gift than love and laughter.
Now excuse me while I go wipe my feet just like my mom taught me.
THANKS, MOM! I love it!!!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Wheat Fields
James 4:14 Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away.
Life is a sweet vapor that appears
like early morning mist on a
Kansas wheat fields in late August
here for mere moments
reflecting the gift of rays
from the sunrise
caressing the
rolling fields of golden spires
creating colors both muted and bright
nourishing the robust wheat berries
that are ready for harvest
then in the next moment
it is gone
just like me.
Life is a sweet vapor that appears
like early morning mist on a
Kansas wheat fields in late August
here for mere moments
reflecting the gift of rays
from the sunrise
caressing the
rolling fields of golden spires
creating colors both muted and bright
nourishing the robust wheat berries
that are ready for harvest
then in the next moment
it is gone
just like me.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Things that made me smile this week. . .
1. Sunrise. The sunrises this week were beautiful. I loved watching the pink clouds change to periwinkle, watching the tops of the trees brighten up with first rays of sunlight and all of this was heralded by the rooster next door. Inspiring.
2. Budget meetings. Yeah, I know this sounds weird, but I enjoy the people I work with and they make me laugh.
3. Serving corn at the Farmer’s Market with the Grove church. I love seeing all the people, smelling the hot fresh corn cooking and listening to their corn stories. Some were corny, but most were sweet. (sorry, couldn’t resist those puns)

4. TRISHA coming to dinner. I love her! The pic of me and Trisha! Isn't she cute?
5. Jack and Lucy. I come home to the most exuberant greeting each day.
6. Happy Meals. Yep, they are appropriately named. And I get to give my toy to my friend’s daughter. She’s so cute!
7. Discovering a bug bite medicine that actually works! Ahhhhh

8. Fresh Black-Eyed Susans on my beautiful brand new orange plaid table cloth in my gorgeous dining room. I love my house.
9. Great shoe sale at Sole Train. They have the cutest shoes ever and you know me and cute shoes!
10. Yoga pants. Nothing feels as good, or fits as well as good yoga pants. Mine are Lucy brand. They are the best.
2. Budget meetings. Yeah, I know this sounds weird, but I enjoy the people I work with and they make me laugh.
3. Serving corn at the Farmer’s Market with the Grove church. I love seeing all the people, smelling the hot fresh corn cooking and listening to their corn stories. Some were corny, but most were sweet. (sorry, couldn’t resist those puns)
4. TRISHA coming to dinner. I love her! The pic of me and Trisha! Isn't she cute?
5. Jack and Lucy. I come home to the most exuberant greeting each day.
6. Happy Meals. Yep, they are appropriately named. And I get to give my toy to my friend’s daughter. She’s so cute!
7. Discovering a bug bite medicine that actually works! Ahhhhh

8. Fresh Black-Eyed Susans on my beautiful brand new orange plaid table cloth in my gorgeous dining room. I love my house.
9. Great shoe sale at Sole Train. They have the cutest shoes ever and you know me and cute shoes!
10. Yoga pants. Nothing feels as good, or fits as well as good yoga pants. Mine are Lucy brand. They are the best.
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