I've connected recently with a lot of friends from my school years back in Leavenworth, Kansas. It's wonderful finding out where everyone ended up, seeing pictures of their children, their kid's weddings, and the subsequent grandchildren.
OMG, am I old enough to be a grandmother??? If they are, then I am. No way!!! Please tell me I don't look old enough to be a grandparent.
Of my friends from back then, two are pastors (Mark and Marty). A few are teachers (Pam and Paula). One works with the stock market (that's you Jeff). We have people from our class that live all over the U.S., doing all sorts of work from accounting (Tony, Eric and me), to massage (you know who you are), to writing, cooking, and just about everything in between.
The sad part is that I lost touch with these people, people who were so important to me. WHY? I don't really know. At the time way back then it was like I needed to find a way that was my own. I didn't know I was an important part of their lives. I felt that I needed to find something else. My own path. I'm hearing/remembering events that were so important to me then and still now, and finding out how important they were to these people, how important I was to these people.
I'm touched and humbled at the same time.
I'm finding out that they have gone through some tough times like having a parent die, or both parents die, and I wasn't there to be a support. I knew these parents. They drove me places, fed me, included me in family events. . .and I wasn't there when it mattered the most. My apologies, friend. Truly.
The good thing is that we've found each other again. The good thing is that we are talking now. It's nice. There are pictures. And stories. I like it. I really like talking about stuff we did, places we went. I had a blessed life back then. And I'm blessed all over again.
You've all blessed me in ways I didn't quite understand until recently. Wish I had the maturity to get it back then. I didn't. If I owe any of you apologies, please accept them. And know that I'm glad you were part of my life then, and now. Genuinely.
Looking forward to catching up some more and staying in touch.
Hugs (yes, I'm still a hugger)
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