Ten things that made me smile this week
1. Sharing Vietnamese sandwiches with Josh and Hallie. Very spicy, but delicious!
2. Good brakes on my car! It was a REALLY close call!
3. the orangy-red feathers on a robin - yeah, I got that close. It was so beautiful.
4. Finding an error on the controller's spreadsheet. This sounds kind of mean, but its just that she's brilliant and knows accounting better than anyone. I just stumbled upon something, but I got bragging rights for about 5 minutes.
5. My friend's laughter. I have some really good friends and I really enjoy being with them. Knowing that they are happy and enjoying life truly blesses me!
6. Working out with Ruth. Ruth holds me accountable and pushes me. We egg each other on.
7. New jeans one size smaller! Sweet! Okay, I'll fess up - I bought 4 pair of jeans.
8. Playing my flute. I forgot how much fun it is. I'm working an a classical piece.
9. Hanging out at Charlie B's Rhythm and Brews. It's just so comfortable there. The food is good, the coffee delish, and the music amazing. . . . .what's not to like?
10. Watching this elderly couple at the fundraiser the other evening. I'll share more about that on another post. But it was truly a delightful experience.
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