Friday, July 17, 2009

A Good Friend - once

My best friend of 7 years decided a few months ago that she didn’t want to be my friend anymore. As a kid in middle school and high school I experience this before, but not as an almost 50 year old adult. It is so strange to be going through this. Yes, she did give me a reason that I now see was an excuse so I still don’t really know why. How does someone just flick that switch between love and indifference so easily? Now I see how valuable 20/20 hindsight is. I could have seen this coming if I had paid attention a year ago.

I was curious why the friends we had in common weren’t asking me what was up. Well, I found out recently. She’s been talking about me and saying some rather untrue things. Like I said, I dealt this with as a young teen. I just can’t believe that this woman that I loved and trusted is doing this. It isn’t the person I knew.

Just to let you know now before you read any further that I’m doing fine. I’ve found a good balance and am living a very happy life. . . just one without her. I miss who she was. I don’t miss who she is. My life is still an awesome life. No worries, friends.

What has been interesting is watching our common friends trying to decide what to do. I don’t say anything negative, and yet my ‘friend’ is saying some very negative things about me and acting out. I feel so bad for our common friends. Most of them don’t want to take sides and I think it hurts them to hear this stuff from her.

There are a few that have chosen to believe her. They know how tight we were and they seem to be wanting that prized spot I once had in her life. I so want to ask them, if she will do this to me, what make you think she won’t do this to you. . . .but I don’t. I just smile and say good morning and act as normally as possible. People are strange creatures, aren’t they? Aren’t we?

I won’t let this deter me from investing in people. I love being around people, meeting new people, finding that connection that will make them relax and smile. Even though our 7 year friendship is over, I still can’t complain. It was a wonderful 7 years. She was a devoted friend with a warm generous spirit. I don’t know exactly why she decided that I didn’t fit into her life anymore, but I respect her choice.

Maybe some relationships are only destined to be for a period of time. I debated this with one of my online friends recently. We connect, help each other through the daily journey for a while, then grow apart.

I have fond memories of our 7 years together and I wish her the best.

One other thing I wish, is that she had the same respect for me and would stop saying negative things.

Good bye my good friend. I miss you.

1 comment:

  1. Linda,

    It breaks my heart to read this. I'm sad for you and I know how this feels, too. I am SO impressed with your approach; valuing the friendship you had and choosing to take the honorable path. You have much to be proud of.

    May it comfort you to know that there are people who, even from afar, see your true beauty. Perhaps the "best friend" vacancy will be filled beyond your wildest expectations!

    Much love,
    Heather Kenagy
