The holidays are such a wonderful time of year, but they can be stressful, too. It is so much fun to go to the parties, galas, concerts, pageants, and events, but sometimes the events double timed me. I’ve had to forgo a few things just because I can’t be in two places at once. And my list of things that have to be done for the holidays got way shorter this year. Like I didn’t bake cookies this year. We don’t eat them anyway, so what’s the point. And I didn’t put up all of my decorations. . . I just did the ones I could in the time I had. It is still all good.
It isn’t about decorations or cookies or events anyway. To me the holidays are about the people in my life – none of which missed the cookies or decorations. I’ve even used paper plates for some of the meals so I’m not stuck working in the kitchen when I can be playing with my family. It is the people who matter. . . not the food, decorations, gifts. . . just the people.
So as 2010 ends and 2011 begins I’m taking these wonderful memories with me, deleting some things off of my obligatory “to do” list, and watching for times I can invest more in the people in my life. Truly, the gifts in my life are my family and friends.
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